
Mondays are for Mother Monster Manifestos

Lady Gaga's highly anticipated video for "Born This Way" has just been released. Watch it here:

This time the all ruling pop queen gives us a dark space saga which sadly does not compare to Jonas Åkerlund's amazing Telephone video but merely adds to the Gaga art collection filled with Important Messages For Planet Earth. The song is catchy and bound to be a classic gay anthem for a long time to come, to wish that the video had mirrored the merry lyrics would probably have been to ask to much of the oh so sincere Lady.

With a video full of symbols, body paint, complicated words and provocative dancing I can't help but wonder if the woman who aims to have "the best body in the industry" doesn't take herself a bit too seriously with her Mother Monster Manifesto? At least she hasn't peppered her video with sickening adverts for her own perfume, like someone else I know.

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