

February is a dark and far too cold month.

Spring can't come soon enough if you ask the Stockholmers sweating under their plastic clouds of down as they squeeze up against each other in the underground morning traffic before pulling their trendy hats with controversial fur balls tightly over their ears once hit by the freezing air outside. The fact that the sun is setting later every day makes little difference when the temperatures stubbornly stay far below ten minus degrees, hitting twenty at night.

It is in times like these that we all need a bit of light in our lives. Nordic Flames today gives you three music videos to help you keep at least your ears warm - much like Galadriel to Frodo once upon a time: May it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out. (Yeah, I went there.)

First up, Kanye has a message we all can agree on.

From a video that might as well have been made backdrop for the following rock gods, to Mastodon and their "Oblivion" (Their live DVD being another bright thing to look forward to. Realease date 15th of March):

And finally, Bring Me The Horizon featuring, that's right, Lights.

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