
Rock n Roll is dead, Nordic Flames is not.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are back.

A year on Mastodon have released the album of 2009, Obama has managed to get his healthcare bill passed by the American congress and the Black Spiders are out on tour with Airbourne again. This time around they even have their own headline gig booked in at The University of Sheffield on April 24th. Do not miss that.

In other news we are counting down towards the album release of Cancer Bats' "Bears, Mayors, Scraps and Bones" (April 13th), gigs with Russian Circles and Rolo Tomassi and tonight's The Rock Show with Daniel P. Carter. Midnight til 2, tune in.

Oh and Phil Demmel from epic rock God band Machine Head emailed me yesterday, said that this was an awesome read. Check it out.

Finally, a week on, this still rocks my world:

Mhm, Honey B.

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