
Rocking response

My MySpace inbox excites makes me greatly.

Without revealing too much I can only advise you to keep checking in on Nordic Flames for an exclusive interview with an insanely hot and frequently MTV-featured new band very soon!

Another nice surprise was the email from Marionette-Aron, thanking for the review and saying how good it felt that someone appreciated what they were trying to do:
"This is why you rock hard even though there are only six people watching, because if, when you leave, one person liked it, that makes it worth it."
Now that's what it's all about!

Lucky inhabitants of the UK and Norway, you can go and watch these Swedes tear the walls down in Oslo on the 29th of November, in Newcastle on the 17th of January and in Birmingham on the 19th. On the 20th and the 21st Bristol and London won't know what hit them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fan va tufft me bandet grattis